

Educational programs offered at the park are both history and nature-based. History-based programs deal with the wide range of historical events that took place on or around Stony Landing, such as children's life, rice production and canal history. Environmental programs emphasize the vast diversity of plant and animal life found throughout the park. Topics include insects, reptiles, trees and swamps.

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For more information on registering for the programs:

Lowcountry Explorers

Join us this summer for week-long summer camps full of adventure! These educational camps have a science or history theme and are jam-packed with activities and fun. Every week, campers will enjoy field trips, classes with our educators, crafts, water day, and lots of time outside!
The weeks and themes are as follows:
Junior Explorers (ages 6 to 8 ) - June 9-13 - Biology Week
Junior Explorers (ages 6 to 8 ) - June 23-27 - History Week
Junior Explorers (ages 6 to 8 ) - July 14-18 - Water Week
Senior Explorers (ages 9 to 12) - June 16-20 - Biology Week
Senior Explorers (ages 9 to 12) - July 7-11 - History Week
Senior Explorers (ages 9 to 12) - July 21-25- Water Week
Camp runs from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The cost per in-person camper is $200. Each week is limited to 12 campers with a counselor-to-camper ratio of 1-to-6. A minimum $50 non-refundable deposit is required for each camper per week. These summer camps are wildly popular and sell out every year!
ONLINE ONLY registration for the Lowcountry Explorers Summer Camp will open MONDAY, March 10 at 9 a.m.!



Join us this summer for week-long summer camps full of adventure! These educational camps have a science or history theme and are jam-packed with activities and fun. Every week, campers will enjoy field trips, classes with our educators, crafts, water day, and lots of time outside!
The weeks and themes are as follows:
Junior Explorers (ages 6 to 8 ) - June 9-13 - Biology Week
Junior Explorers (ages 6 to 8 ) - June 23-27 - History Week
Junior Explorers (ages 6 to 8 ) - July 14-18 - Water Week
Senior Explorers (ages 9 to 12) - June 16-20 - Biology Week
Senior Explorers (ages 9 to 12) - July 7-11 - History Week
Senior Explorers (ages 9 to 12) - July 21-25- Water Week
Camp runs from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The cost per in-person camper is $200. Each week is limited to 12 campers with a counselor-to-camper ratio of 1-to-6. A minimum $50 non-refundable deposit is required for each camper per week. These summer camps are wildly popular and sell out every year!
ONLINE ONLY registration for the Lowcountry Explorers Summer Camp will open MONDAY, March 10 at 9 a.m.!


Carolina Gold

This class will discuss how rice production and culture in South Carolina turned it into one of the wealthiest colonies in the western world. Students will even try their hands at processing rice! They will then learn what led to the downfall of the rice culture and see the effects it had on the land today.

Dye it Blue!

Students will learn all about the history of indigo cultivation in South Carolina, including planting, processing and dyeing techniques. We will discuss why indigo was an important crop in the 1700s and what role it played in the history of our state. Each student will have a chance to dye a piece of fabric and take it home.


Students will dive into the Native American culture that existed before the arrival of Europeans and briefly discuss the effects of colonial expansion. Using our surroundings, we will discuss how Native Americans used the ecosystem for all their needs, including medicinal plant usage and community structure.


Day to day work in the colonial era involved the entire family and everyone had a job to do. One of these important jobs of children was to make candles for the whole year for each family. Students will learn about the different types of candle making and get to try their hand at dipping candles.

Canal History

America’s first true canal was built right here at the park, connecting the Cooper and Santee Rivers and creating a direct route to Charleston from the agricultural center of our state. Students will learn about the history of the canal from lock construction and operation to the important jobs that were needed to build and run this vital 19th century canal.

Swamp things

In one of our most popular programs, students will learn about the importance of the swamp ecosystem and its many inhabitants. Students will be led on our swamp boardwalk with nets so they can catch and identify different species of wildlife in the swamp.

Scales and Tails

Using the park's live collection, students will take a look at the common reptiles of Old Santee Canal Park. This class provides students a unique, hands-on experience into the world of "creepy, crawly things." We will discuss specific traits and characteristics of these animals that you may find in your own backyard!

Roots to Branches

Using hands-on activities, students will learn about native plants and trees here at the park and their important biological processes. Topics covered include transpiration, soil composition, and plant adaptations. Students will also discover many interesting facts as we take a short nature walk identifying the park’s trees.

Incredible Insects

There are more types of insects in the world than all other living things combined! This class offers an exciting look into this mysterious world with live and preserved specimens. This will also include a brief nature walk to capture and identify insects at the park.

Space Odyssey

In this class, students will take a trip through the Milky Way Galaxy. They will explore subjects within astronomy, such as the moon, solar system, stars, and constellations. Students will then become part of the solar system and see how far our solar system stretches! Lastly, using the park's planetarium, students will be able to locate common constellations and the fascinating stories and legends behind them.

Boardwalk Tour

Scavenger Hunts

Discover the Park Hunt

Cave Theatre Films

Films range in length from 23-59 minutes

  • Web of Water
  • Palmetto Places: Moncks Corner
  • NatureScene: The Old Santee Canal
  • Snakes
  • Amphibians
  • Pond Life
  • Reptiles

Main Theatre Films

Films range in length from 17-58 minutes

  • History of the Santee Canal: America's First Superhighway
  • Pushing Back the Darkness: The Story of Santee Cooper
  • Canals West
  • With These Hands
  • They were Here
  • Silent Witness: Protecting American Indian Archeological Heritage
  • Chasing the Swamp Fox

Living Loft Reptile Exhibit